Continued from previous … Ezekiel once again directs the Word of God against Gog, prophesying for the second time, that God will draw this ruler from the far north to the mountains of Israel, (Ez. 39:1) . This time we are given much more details concerning the destruction of this alliance and clues as to its timing. Previously, Ezekiel mentioned that with this violent earthquake, the soldiers in this ungodly alliance will turn on each other. Now we learn that God will strike their bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from their right hand ”, (Ez. 39:3) . When it comes to the description of bow, arrows, swords and horses there are two differing opinions amongst end time teachers. The first, in the minority, believe that in the future man will negate the effect of modern weapons. After much fighting, they will revert back to the basics. However, most believe that the nature of these words incorporate today’s modern warfare and weapons. In other words, a bow with arrows speaks of long range abilities which would include mortars and missiles. A horse is the mode of transport such as infantry vehicles, tanks and rapid assault trucks. Regardless of the opinion on this matter, the one thing we can bank on, is that during this violent earthquake, they are completely disarmed, while turning on each other.

The War of Gog and Magog - Part 2

Andrew M. Hayward We continue this ancient, thrilling prophecy. Join us in exploring what we believe is the humbling of Russia. It is at a location which takes the world by complete surprise.
The reversal of the aggression Gog’s alliance will transform in an instant, from the aggressor to the victim. Their armies will be violently subdued, where they will become food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals ”, (Ez. 39:4) . Naturally the carrion species include vultures, crows, rows, vultures, hawks, condors and eagles, while wild animals would certainly include hyenas, snakes and coyotes who will thrive during this time. Their quest for booty will result in all of them falling in the open field ”, (Ez. 39:5) . Their population back home may believe they are safe because they are so far off from the event, but God assures us that He will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands ”, (Ez. 39:6) . The blatant reversal of roles is so obvious, that nobody will be able to deny that God is the Lord of creation. Israel will realize that God is for them, while the nations of the world, will know that God is the Holy one in Israel ”, (Ez. 39:7) . And now for the puzzling statement, not only does God assure us that it is coming and will surely take place ”, but he also tells us that this is the day I have spoken of ”, (Ez. 39:8) . While the discussion of the timing of events is discussed later, with all the pro’’s and con’s of each view, the only day mentioned often by the prophets, concerning unfulfilled events, is the infamous, “Day of the Lord”, also known as the “Day of Vengeance” and the “Day of God’s wrath”. Having said this, one has to be careful with this prophecy as its events and after effects span through this entire period of time. The cataclysmic effects are so insane, that the villages of Israel will go out and use all the weaponry for fuel. All the weapons of war will be burnt up, with no-one in Israel requiring to gather wood as they will receive their fuel from burning these weapons. According to this prophecy, it will take an entire seven year period, to thoroughly burn all these weapons. We are not told if these weapons are burnt because they are conducive to fire or whether it is required as they are contaminated. As the roles reverse, so it is Israel who during this seven year period, will plunder and loot all those nations who plundered and looted them, (Ez. 39:9-10) .
The cleansing of the land The sheer quantities of human corpses will be so vast, that a special burial site will be established between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of Israel. The site will be visible to anyone passing through. It is even given a name, the valley of Hamon Gog ”, (Ez. 39:11) . The name literally means the valley of the multitudes of Gog ”. Six scriptures are dedicated to describing how the dead are buried, which should peek our interest and attention. Especially significant, since this method of burying the dead has only become relevant in our modern day and age. We are firstly told that it will take an initial seven months for the Israelites to bury the dead, (Ez. 39:12) . It suggests that the bodies are contaminated as a special burial routine and method is established in preparing these bodies before burial. Also interestingly, it is only the Israelites who bury the dead and it is not just some who are involved, but all the people of the land ”, (Ez. 39:13) . There is also a special day reserved for those who cleanse the land, a memorable day, when all those involved will see a display of the glory of God ”, (Ez. 39:14) . The burial of the hordes will be facilitated by people whose sole and continuous job will be to cleanse the land of the dead, first focusing on all the bodies lying on the surface of the land. Now we learn from the details supplied through Ezekiel, that it actually takes considerably longer to cleanse the land of the dead. After the seven month period, a more detailed search will be carried out. A special search party will be established and as soon as they find a human bone, they will place a marker next to it. A team of grave diggers will then find the marker and retrieve the bone, burying it in the valley of Hammon Gog, which we are now told is near a town named Hamonah ”, (Ez. 39:15-16) . There are many different opinions as to where the burial site is physically located today. Some believe it is in a desolated place known as Abarim, while others suggest a place in the Transjordan, east of Jerusalem. There are also other suggestions which is partially dependent on how the scholars view the timing of all these events including the Jezreel valley, the site of Armageddon or a valley known as the Hinnom valley.
The Great Feast We can see that the initial carnage takes place in a literal day, but the extended carnage takes place over months and years as indicated by the burning of weapons and burial of the dead. It ultimately culminates in a another great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel ”. Since this feast correlates with a great feast which occurs at Armageddon towards the end of Revelation, Gog has become the symbol of all enemies of God. Ezekiel describes this feast as another great gathering, prepared as a final sacrifice. All the wild animals and birds are summonsed to the mountains of Israel to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the final slaughter of those who oppose God. According to the word given to Ezekiel, they will eat fat till they are gutted and drink blood, till they are drunk ”, (Ez. 39:19) . Very similar words are recorded just before the Second Coming of Christ at the end of this period by John the Apostle. He says that all the birds are summonsed: “C ome. Be gathered together to the great supper of God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, and small and great’ “, (Rv. 19:17-18) . This great feast supper is different from any general celebration, as the guests are the ones who actually become the meal. Another parallel prophecy is also fulfilled with Jesus message regarding His Second Coming, where He said: Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather ”, (Mt. 24:27) . According to His message in the Olivet Discourse, this great feast of nature occurs just before the world is cast into complete darkness before His return with all the Saints. This feast and scene may be revolting to you, but consider that those who oppose God, are revolting in His eyes.
The reason and effect of this judgment We are left under no allusion that God brings about this catastrophe, so that everyone on earth can see His glory. “From this day forward, Israel will know that I am the Lord, their God ”. Not only will Israel know this, but all the nations will know the reason for Israel’s exile was due to their unfaithfulness towards God, (Ez. 39:21-23). This conflict serves as an indication that when this day begins, God will no longer hide His face from the Israelites ”, but will reveal Himself to them, (Ez. 39:23-24). What does this mean? It is spelled out for us in the Lord’s final words to Ezekiel on this matter: I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the people of Israel ”, (Ez. 39:29). In relation to the prophecy of the valley of the dry bones, (Ezekiel, chapter 37), the Spirit of God is poured out on the Jewish race, when Gog decides to lead a horde of Israel’s enemies to its mountains.
What happens after the Great Feast? It is only with this final great feast that the Jews are reconciled with God and the fortunes of Jacob ”, (Israel), are restored. Also from this day forward, God will be zealous for His holy name, (Ez. 39:25) . This means that God will no longer allow His name to be profaned anymore. There will be an immediate and swift response for bad behavior and justice will be swift. As for the Jewish race, they will forget their shame and they will have no natural enemies, (Ez. 39:26) . The nations of the world will be a witness that He is “the Lord, their God”. The proof of the pudding is that not only will He regather all Jews back to their homeland, leaving not one behind, but God will pour out His Spirit on the people of Israel ”, (Ez. 39:28-29) . It is abundantly clear that this summonsing of Gog and his allies to the mountains of Israel, leads to the complete restoration of the Jewish race and ultimately God being in their presence, with the rebellious nations of the world, being completely subdued.
The Sacred Zone, Copyrite 2022, Andrew M. Hayward
Continued from previous … Ezekiel once again directs the Word of God against Gog, prophesying for the second time, that God will draw this ruler from the far north to the mountains of Israel, (Ez. 39:1) . This time we are given much more details concerning the destruction of this alliance and clues as to its timing. Previously, Ezekiel mentioned that with this violent earthquake, the soldiers in this ungodly alliance will turn on each other. Now we learn that God will strike their bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from their right hand ”, (Ez. 39:3) . When it comes to the description of bow, arrows, swords and horses there are two differing opinions amongst end time teachers. The first, in the minority, believe that in the future man will negate the effect of modern weapons. After much fighting, they will revert back to the basics. However, most believe that the nature of these words incorporate today’s modern warfare and weapons. In other words, a bow with arrows speaks of long range abilities which would include mortars and missiles. A horse is the mode of transport such as infantry vehicles, tanks and rapid assault trucks. Regardless of the opinion on this matter, the one thing we can bank on, is that during this violent earthquake, they are completely disarmed, while turning on each other.
The reversal of the aggression Gog’s alliance will transform in an instant, from the aggressor to the victim. Their armies will be violently subdued, where they will become food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals ”, (Ez. 39:4) . Naturally the carrion species include vultures, crows, rows, vultures, hawks, condors and eagles, while wild animals would certainly include hyenas, snakes and coyotes who will thrive during this time. Their quest for booty will result in all of them falling in the open field ”, (Ez. 39:5) . Their population back home may believe they are safe because they are so far off from the event, but God assures us that He will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands ”, (Ez. 39:6) . The blatant reversal of roles is so obvious, that nobody will be able to deny that God is the Lord of creation. Israel will realize that God is for them, while the nations of the world, will know that God is the Holy one in Israel ”, (Ez. 39:7) . And now for the puzzling statement, not only does God assure us that it is coming and will surely take place ”, but he also tells us that this is the day I have spoken of ”, (Ez. 39:8) . While the discussion of the timing of events is discussed later, with all the pro’’s and con’s of each view, the only day mentioned often by the prophets, concerning unfulfilled events, is the infamous, “Day of the Lord”, also known as the “Day of Vengeance” and the “Day of God’s wrath”. Having said this, one has to be careful with this prophecy as its events and after effects span through this entire period of time. The cataclysmic effects are so insane, that the villages of Israel will go out and use all the weaponry for fuel. All the weapons of war will be burnt up, with no-one in Israel requiring to gather wood as they will receive their fuel from burning these weapons. According to this prophecy, it will take an entire seven year period, to thoroughly burn all these weapons. We are not told if these weapons are burnt because they are conducive to fire or whether it is required as they are contaminated. As the roles reverse, so it is Israel who during this seven year period, will plunder and loot all those nations who plundered and looted them, (Ez. 39:9-10) .
The cleansing of the land The sheer quantities of human corpses will be so vast, that a special burial site will be established between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of Israel. The site will be visible to anyone passing through. It is even given a name, the valley of Hamon Gog ”, (Ez. 39:11) . The name literally means the valley of the multitudes of Gog ”. Six scriptures are dedicated to describing how the dead are buried, which should peek our interest and attention. Especially significant, since this method of burying the dead has only become relevant in our modern day and age. We are firstly told that it will take an initial seven months for the Israelites to bury the dead, (Ez. 39:12) . It suggests that the bodies are contaminated as a special burial routine and method is established in preparing these bodies before burial. Also interestingly, it is only the Israelites who bury the dead and it is not just some who are involved, but all the people of the land ”, (Ez. 39:13) . There is also a special day reserved for those who cleanse the land, a memorable day, when all those involved will see a display of the glory of God ”, (Ez. 39:14) . The burial of the hordes will be facilitated by people whose sole and continuous job will be to cleanse the land of the dead, first focusing on all the bodies lying on the surface of the land. Now we learn from the details supplied through Ezekiel, that it actually takes considerably longer to cleanse the land of the dead. After the seven month period, a more detailed search will be carried out. A special search party will be established and as soon as they find a human bone, they will place a marker next to it. A team of grave diggers will then find the marker and retrieve the bone, burying it in the valley of Hammon Gog, which we are now told is near a town named Hamonah ”, (Ez. 39:15- 16) . There are many different opinions as to where the burial site is physically located today. Some believe it is in a desolated place known as Abarim, while others suggest a place in the Transjordan, east of Jerusalem. There are also other suggestions which is partially dependent on how the scholars view the timing of all these events including the Jezreel valley, the site of Armageddon or a valley known as the Hinnom valley.
The Great Feast We can see that the initial carnage takes place in a literal day, but the extended carnage takes place over months and years as indicated by the burning of weapons and burial of the dead. It ultimately culminates in a another great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel ”. Since this feast correlates with a great feast which occurs at Armageddon towards the end of Revelation, Gog has become the symbol of all enemies of God. Ezekiel describes this feast as another great gathering, prepared as a final sacrifice. All the wild animals and birds are summonsed to the mountains of Israel to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the final slaughter of those who oppose God. According to the word given to Ezekiel, they will eat fat till they are gutted and drink blood, till they are drunk ”, (Ez. 39:19) . Very similar words are recorded just before the Second Coming of Christ at the end of this period by John the Apostle. He says that all the birds are summonsed: “C ome. Be gathered together to the great supper of God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, and small and great’ “, (Rv. 19:17-18) . This great feast supper is different from any general celebration, as the guests are the ones who actually become the meal. Another parallel prophecy is also fulfilled with Jesus message regarding His Second Coming, where He said: Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather ”, (Mt. 24:27) . According to His message in the Olivet Discourse, this great feast of nature occurs just before the world is cast into complete darkness before His return with all the Saints. This feast and scene may be revolting to you, but consider that those who oppose God, are revolting in His eyes.
The reason and effect of this judgment We are left under no allusion that God brings about this catastrophe, so that everyone on earth can see His glory. “From this day forward, Israel will know that I am the Lord, their God ”. Not only will Israel know this, but all the nations will know the reason for Israel’s exile was due to their unfaithfulness towards God, (Ez. 39:21-23). This conflict serves as an indication that when this day begins, God will no longer hide His face from the Israelites ”, but will reveal Himself to them, (Ez. 39:23-24). What does this mean? It is spelled out for us in the Lord’s final words to Ezekiel on this matter: I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the people of Israel ”, (Ez. 39:29). In relation to the prophecy of the valley of the dry bones, (Ezekiel, chapter 37), the Spirit of God is poured out on the Jewish race, when Gog decides to lead a horde of Israel’s enemies to its mountains.
What happens after the Great Feast? It is only with this final great feast that the Jews are reconciled with God and the fortunes of Jacob ”, (Israel), are restored. Also from this day forward, God will be zealous for His holy name, (Ez. 39:25) . This means that God will no longer allow His name to be profaned anymore. There will be an immediate and swift response for bad behavior and justice will be swift. As for the Jewish race, they will forget their shame and they will have no natural enemies, (Ez. 39:26) . The nations of the world will be a witness that He is “the Lord, their God”. The proof of the pudding is that not only will He regather all Jews back to their homeland, leaving not one behind, but God will pour out His Spirit on the people of Israel ”, (Ez. 39:28-29) . It is abundantly clear that this summonsing of Gog and his allies to the mountains of Israel, leads to the complete restoration of the Jewish race and ultimately God being in their presence, with the rebellious nations of the world, being completely subdued.

The War of Gog and

Magog - Part 2

Ancient, thrilling and
down right chilling. Join us in exploring what we believe is the humbling of Russia. It is at a location which takes the world by complete surprise.